Monday, May 27, 2013

12 Years / 12 Weeks: Week 11 Close Cousins

The hardest good bye is going to be one that won’t be forever, because family is always obligated to visit each other no matter the distance.  We have been so blessed to have Brian’s little sister Beth close these many years in Arizona.  Our kids have grown up together and have become each others best friends.  It will be hard to not be able to just jump in the car for a visit. 

They have been here for amazing Summer weekends

20081127_00150509 009Oct 2010 044november 2009 04320081128_0044IMG_20121008_153508Oct 2010 0669-2011 014

and enjoyed Shooting Lessons from Uncle Jake20081128_0024

We have spooked the neighborhood togetherHalloween2010 017

and gave thanks together at Thanksgiving with good food, naps and even a freezing dip in the pool

2012-11-22_14-50-49_5Thanksgiving 2011 060Thanksgiving 2011 0632012-11-22_12-35-56_218

We have found Snow in AZ together

2013-02-20_16-32-36_798CHristmas 2009 066CHristmas 2009 107

We have shared in each others joys as the kids have been Blessed, Baptized, Ordained and Grown Older

Grandpa April fools dinner 001IMG_2665november 2009 05420081128_0042

We have shared so many memories together, thankfully we are family and we will see them again soon


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