Monday, May 27, 2013

12 Years / 12 Weeks: Week 11 Close Cousins

The hardest good bye is going to be one that won’t be forever, because family is always obligated to visit each other no matter the distance.  We have been so blessed to have Brian’s little sister Beth close these many years in Arizona.  Our kids have grown up together and have become each others best friends.  It will be hard to not be able to just jump in the car for a visit. 

They have been here for amazing Summer weekends

20081127_00150509 009Oct 2010 044november 2009 04320081128_0044IMG_20121008_153508Oct 2010 0669-2011 014

and enjoyed Shooting Lessons from Uncle Jake20081128_0024

We have spooked the neighborhood togetherHalloween2010 017

and gave thanks together at Thanksgiving with good food, naps and even a freezing dip in the pool

2012-11-22_14-50-49_5Thanksgiving 2011 060Thanksgiving 2011 0632012-11-22_12-35-56_218

We have found Snow in AZ together

2013-02-20_16-32-36_798CHristmas 2009 066CHristmas 2009 107

We have shared in each others joys as the kids have been Blessed, Baptized, Ordained and Grown Older

Grandpa April fools dinner 001IMG_2665november 2009 05420081128_0042

We have shared so many memories together, thankfully we are family and we will see them again soon

Sunday, May 19, 2013

12 Years/12 Weeks: Week 10 Seminary

It wouldn’t be right if I did not remember the very reason we were sent here to Sierra Vista AZ.
These kids have been such a wonderful part of our lives as we have watched so many of them grow up strong in the gospel, leave and even come back to raise their own families.  I am a little sad that my children will not finish growing up here where the youth are united and strong in the gospel.   I have watched as they have supported each other through all the trials of High School.  I truly believe some of the best youth are here and we have been so blessed to be a part of their lives.
12 Years ago we drove up to this tiny building to start our adventure here.
hi 003
We have seen so many amazing kids graduate from seminary
seminary grad
they have had fun together
1980-01-01 00.00.031980-01-01 00.00.09IMG_1891
Invented the game of Suicide Ball
DecJan20112012 055
Caught up on some sleep
Feb 2012 005
Were spiritually feed
hi 014IMG_1089IMG_1093IMG_1189IMG_1546
Served together
Seminary Bowled together
Megs bday 8...seminary bowl...april2011 008Megs bday 8...seminary bowl...april2011 022
and shared their talents
Song 003
Even the art of a true well done toilet papering with no less than 98 rolls per order of Bro. Mo twiceIMG_0550IMG_0552IMG_0557May 2011 052May 2011 063
We are going to miss having these great kids in our lives daily they have been a true blessing to our family.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

12 Years/12 Weeks: Week 9 SIERRA VISTA 3RD WARD

It would be most fitting today, to remember our Amazing Sierra Vista 3rd Ward Family. Especially as Brain was officially released as Bishop.  I am sorry there will be few pictures today as these memories were not the type of memory you take pictures of, they are more the memories that are made in everyday life.


It all started almost exactly 12 years ago to date that Brain and I came down to Sierra Vista AZ on a house hunting trip.  We did not check to see which schools would be the best for our then 2 yr. old nor did we even worry about the ward we might be moving into.  We had one goal and that was to find a home that felt right for our family.  Oh how the Lord truly blessed our family when the home that felt right fell into the Sierra Vista 3rd ward boundaries.

Here is where we were first welcomed by so many wonderful people.  It is where a small group of moms asked if I would like to join them in a 3rd ward playgroup.  This playgroup was a saving grace for a lonely mother who felt so out of place in a new town 16 hours from her family.  These women have truly become some of my very best friends and confidants.  This playgroup gave me the adult interaction I really needed to get through a week.  It is with these wonderful women I shared a common heartache as years passes with no other children coming to our family and where each of us shared in joy as our families were finally blessed with one more.

We have watched this ward grow so much in the last 12 years.  We came to a small ward with a primary that fit into one room and have watched it grow to become so large that boundaries were re-done and we were recently moved into an entirely new building.  We have seen many wonderful people come and go and have even started joking that we are the old timers.2012-02-20_18-07-54_122

The Sierra Vista 3rd ward has provided us with so many opportunities to serve and where my children have grown up with amazing influences to follow.  We had the opportunity to watch as our 3rd ward family banded together as a devastating fire went through much of our ward boundaries, yet every family was taken care of and where those eternal ties of being one family were truly strengthened.

helping with monument fire

az monument fire

It warmed my heart just last night as Braxton was dropped off at his first dance.  He was so nervous and even thought I was the mean mother making him go to this dance. I too was a little nervous for him, but as I watched from the van as he walked into the church and was greeted by the friendly face of Brother Maroney.  I couldn't help feeling a little sad that we would be leaving this comfortable familiar family where we have always felt loved and welcomed.

The Sierra Vista 3rd ward has been our family in so many ways, as they have attended our children's blessings and baptisms and celebrated with our family the many highlights that have come our way.

braxton baptism 2 mApril 2011 055

And no other ward will ever top the 3rd Ward 4th of July water fight.




We are going to miss our bench at church and the love and concerns of all our ward family.  We will miss the great ward parties and the smiling faces in the hallways.  We will miss the old timers who have been here as long or longer than us.

This has been our family for 12 years and this is why many tears have and will be shed as we move on to a new adventure.